Meet Us

  • Hi! I’m Megan and I’m here to help simplify your small business…virtually (that’s just a fancy way of saying from my home office)!

    I’m that girl who loves lists, sticky notes, color coded calendars and all things that are organized and run smoothly!

    Running a business is no joke. Trust me, I get it. I’ve been the owner/operator of a handful of small businesses over the years. From a wedding stationery and rental company, to an in-home licensed childcare, a multi-level marketing business that thrived (I still love wearing my Jamberry nail wraps btw) to helping my husband run our window cleaning business; I truly understand how much goes into running a business. Call me crazy, but I LOVE it!

    Combining my passion for organization, my marketing and management background, my business operation skills and my desire to help others, becoming a virtual assistant is a vision I’ve been fortunate enough to turn into reality! We can’t wait to connect with you and help you achieve your small business goals!

  • Hi! I’m Amanda and similar to Megan, I am here to help make your small business run smoother and simplify all those pesky office tasks.

    As odd as it may be, I love to-do lists, detailed information, planning events, staying organized and making sure life can run as simple and smoothly as possible!

    There is a lot that goes into running a small business, I know first-hand as my husband and I own an electrical business. The office tasks can be to some the most daunting tasks, but I LOVE and thoroughly enjoy them!

    I am here to help make your small business run smoothly, organized and current. Don’t get behind with those office tasks. We are here to help and look forward to connecting.